Beneath the Surface
Cutting-edge 3 in 1 energy system – Renuvion energy and full monopolar and bipolar functionality
Innovative features
- Adaptive home screen
- Intuitive touch screen
- Presets by area
Cloud connectivity
- Procedural information recording and reporting
- Remote system diagnostics
- Remote updates
Advanced gas system
- Measuring and monitoring gas volumes
- Sized for 20-60cu/ft tank

Educational Videos
To experience the Apyx One interface through our emulator reach out your local rep or contact us here.
The Renuvion APR Handpiece is intended for the delivery of radiofrequency energy and/or helium plasma where coagulation/contraction of soft tissue is needed. Soft tissue includes subcutaneous tissue. The Renuvion APR Handpiece is intended for the coagulation of subcutaneous soft tissues following liposuction for aesthetic body contouring. The Renuvion APR Handpiece is indicated for use in subcutaneous dermatological and aesthetic procedures to improve the appearance of lax (loose) skin in the neck and submental region. The Renuvion APR Handpiece is intended for the delivery of radiofrequency energy and/or helium plasma for cutting, coagulation and ablation of soft tissue during open surgical procedures. The Renuvion APR Handpiece is intended to be used with compatible electrosurgical generators owned by Apyx Medical. Not all indications are approved in all markets; check with your local sales representative for further information.
As with any aesthetic procedure, individual results may vary. As with all energy devices there are inherent risks associated with its use. Risk associated with the use of the Renuvion APR may include: helium embolism into the surgical site due to inadvertent introduction into the venous or arterial blood supply system, unintended burns (deep or superficial), pneumothorax, temporary or permanent nerve injury, ischemia, fibrosis, infection, pain, discomfort, gas buildup resulting in temporary and transient crepitus or pain, bleeding, hematoma, seroma, subcutaneous induration, pigmentation changes, increased healing time, scarring, asymmetry and/ or unacceptable cosmetic result. Please see the instructions for use for more detailed information.
The Renuvion Dermal Handpiece is indicated for dermatological procedures for the treatment of moderate to severe wrinkles and rhytides, limited to patients with Fitzpatrick skin types I, II, or III. Warning: Application of more than one treatment pass in the perioral area, on the forehead, and along the jawline has been associated with hypertrophic scarring. Risks associated with the use of the Renuvion Dermal System include but are not limited to hypertrophic scarring, milia/acne, telangiectasia (spider veins), skin discoloration/hypopigmentation, dormant infection reactivation, infection, bruising or bleeding. As with any procedure, individual results may vary. As with all energy devices there are inherent risks associated with its use, refer to the IFU for further information.